For Domain Investors

Domainers, registrars, registries, and stakeholders from throughout the domains industry and related fields will gather at the premier MERGE! show to learn, network, and leverage the incredible utility of domain names.

MERGE! is a collection of events curated to maximize the practical value of the conference. The domains, branding, service provider, and cryptocurrency communities will attend a mix of industry-specific events and come together to explore the numerous opportunities for mutual profit.

Additionally, MERGE and their founders are members of the Internet Commerce Association, and The Domain Name Association, important industry groups that support the rights of domain owners and work to evangelize, engage, and educate on the value, benefits and utility of domain names, respectively.

At MERGE, you will meet other investors, companies, and service providers, have the opportunity to discuss latest trends and events.  Grow your network, and enhance your capability set and knowledge base.